Gameplay 🎮
What are AP and SP?
AP and SP refill 1 point every 6 minutes, and you can refill them using Actions items and SP boosters.AP is consumed when attacking zombies ...
Can I customise my base camp?
Yes, you can always make changes to the base camp.To relocate the buildings, drag them to the destination positions. Green boxes will appear...
Protected/Unprotected Resources
Protected resources cannot be stolen by enemies.Source:● Defeating Zombies● Resources harvested from the resources nodes.● Gained by resourc...
Survival Zone
Explore the grids adjacent to the one you’re currently on. Once you choose a grid, other grids will immediately disappear.How to eliminate t...
Forbidden Zone
You can search the underground facility floor by floor. You will receive the First Victory reward after an unchallenged floor is cleared.You...
Horde Challenge
The Horde Challenge will be unlocked when your HQ reaches level 15. There will be different challenges available in the Horde Challenge.For ...
How can I break through the Weapon Abilities in the Survival Zone?
The Weapon Abilities provide different effects during the survival zone battles. Weapon Abilities can be advanced if equipped with the combo...
How can I save my formations?
You can save up to 5 formations and deploy them easily for various missions.Steps to save formationsSet up your team on the Create Squad pop...
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